Photo of Planning Documents

Official Plan

The Official Plan is a document that pertains to growth and development over a twenty-year period for the Township of North Stormont and the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry (SDG). The County Official Plan is an upper-tier Plan that has been designed to provide a detailed set of policies that reflect provincial, county, and local interests.

SDG oversees the Official Plan process. Under the Planning Act, the County must undertake a review of the Official Plan once every five years. They are also responsible for overseeing Official Plan Amendments. The Official Plan offers long-range planning for the Township. Zoning By-law’s must align with the land-use policies and designations within the Official Plan.

The SDG Official Plan is currently under appeal. Please contact the County’s Planning Department or access the website for further information on the process, or to apply for an Official Plan Amendment.

2018 Official Plan

Official Plan Amendment

An Official Plan Amendment seeks to change the designation of land or to add, replace, delete or change a policy. Amendments to the Official Plan are handled by the United Counties Planning Department. The Council of the United Counties is responsible for making the decision on amendments to the Official Plan (delegated authority).

For additional information about the Official Plan and Official Plan Amendment process, access the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing’s Citizen Guide to Official Plans.

Application Forms and Tariff for Fees Schedules can be found on the Planning Forms page.

Provincial Policy Statement

The 2020 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) provides direction in matters of land use planning that are directly related to Provincial interests. Its policies set out the government’s land use vision for how we settle our landscape, create our built environment, and manage our land and resources over the long term to achieve livable and resilient communities. All decisions affecting land use planning matters “shall be consistent with” the Provincial Policy Statement.